Search Snippets

  1. Begin by searching in the navigation bar using the search bar. Type your query into the "Search Snippets" option in the navigation menu to find a snippet.
  2. Search Navigation Bar

  3. Filter snippets by title to narrow down your search. When the button is green, it means you are filtering by title. You can filter by title in the navbar for quicker returns when searching via titles.
  4. Search Navigation Bar By Title

  5. Click on a snippet to update its title if it's one you created or view the existing title.
  6. Update Snippet Title

  7. You can also filter by "My Snippets", which includes any snippet that you created or saved.
  8. Search Both Title and Content

  9. Click the save to save a snippet. It will then be saved and be available in the "Saved" tab in the account navigation bar.
  10. Saved Account Navigation Bar

  11. You can also browse snippets by "New" to see the latest additions or by "Top" to view the most saved snippets.
  12. Browse New/Top Snippets