AI Response

After requesting an AI note, you will be redirected to view the AI response.

  1. You can easily copy entire sections or paragraphs by clicking directly on the text.
  2. AI Response

  3. Use the icon next to the "AI Assistant" text to save the entire AI response.
  4. AI Assistant Copy All to Clipboard

  5. If you click the icon, you can save that portion of the AI response as a snippet. Edit the content, select a note type, and provide a title before saving as a snippet.
  6. AI Assistant Save Snippet Button

    AI Assistant Save Snippet

  7. Depending on the note type, you may have options to generate more details, less details, or regenerate the note for further refinement.
  8. AI Assistant Generate Buttons

  9. Access your saved snippets in the AI Assistant tab within your account.
  10. AI Assistant Account Tab