5 min. read

Welcome To docuSnippets

Our goal is to provide educational and shortcut-like tools that will help you improve the speed and quality of your documentation. As an early adopter, you will be able to see this community grow, improve, and adapt to the many changes in healthcare.

Getting Started

*Updated on 6-12-2023
Hey, look! Here’s an update on a new key feature we’ve added to docuSnippets. For more information on how to get started, check out or AI Assistant blog post: Introducing the New and Improved docuSnippets: Boosting Your Documentation Efficiency with AI

Each user selects a discipline during registration which determines their occupation category. The current list of supported occupations includes Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Nursing, Psychology and Counseling, and Speech Language Pathology. Searches and created snippets are sorted by a user's occupation category.

If you would like to request a different category, please email support@docusnippets.com.

Navigating docuSnippets

At the top of the page, you'll find the navbar which allows you to access the different sections of the website. One of these sections is "Snippets" which is a dropdown menu. From here, you can either create your own documentation snippets or browse through existing ones. Clicking on the "Create" link in the dropdown menu will take you to the create snippet editor, where you can create, save, and share your own snippet with others.

Navigating docuSnippets

Navigating User Account

Now, let's talk about your account. To access it, simply click on the ACCOUNT button in the navbar. This will take you to your account profile where you can view your account information and stored snippets. You can also navigate other features in the different tabs on the account page, as shown in the image below. Premium users can access additional features such as viewing the history of the snippets you've upvoted or downvoted, quick saves and the ability to add friends to network or collaborate with.

Navigating User Account

Creating Snippets

With docuSnippets, you can create and store fragments or snippets of your daily notes. One example use might be for the "Subjective" section of a SOAP note in your electronic medical record (EMR). As an example, we'll provide a physical therapy "Subjective" sample note that a Physical Therapist might quickly write before addressing other patients or tasks due to time constraints.

Subjective Sample Note:
Patient reported improvement w/ transfer in/out shower.

Before saving this treatment session note as a snippet, we will assign it with a note category and a title. Additionally, enhancing the quality of a note by including certain details can showcase skilled services. Once complete, save the note, and then access it later in the “Snippets" tab of your user account for future reference and reuse.

Subjective Sample Note Modified and Improved:
Note Category: Daily
Title: subjective shower-transfer+
Content: Patient reported improvement with transfers in/out *shower and acknowledges compliance with HEP alongside transfer training treatments have helped progress functional mobility.

You can categorize your notes by Start of Care, Daily, End of Care, or Communication. In this example, we chose the "Daily" category and included the word "subjective" and other keywords in the title to make it easier to search for and find the snippet. You can use a system that works best for you to title your snippets.

docuSnippet Tip: adding a “*” helps you spot keywords that may need replacement from one patient to another.

Creating Snippets

Searching by Title or Keywords

To search for snippets, you can use either the title (as shown in image below) or keywords in the notes content. Simply try searching by title or content to find your snippet.

Searching by Title or Keywords

Copy and Paste

To copy and paste a snippet, click on the copy button and paste it directly into your electronic medical record. You can also click on the icon to open the snippet editor and modify your note, or add more snippets as you scroll through your search results.

Copy and Paste


In the near future, we plan to focus on refining the search function to make it easier for users to find the snippets they need. We are considering adding a range of search filtering options, including the ability to filter by note category, user, friend, medical category, and coding category. This will allow users to easily find the specific snippets they need, whether it's for a specific type of care, a particular medical condition, or a certain coding category. We welcome any feedback or feature requests from our users, and encourage you to reach out to us at support@docusnippets.com if you have any ideas or suggestions. As we continue to grow and evolve, we hope to provide our users with an ever-increasing range of useful tools and features to help them improve the speed and quality of their documentation.

- docuSnippets